Monday, July 05, 2021

Viktor Orban: My Kind of Prime Minister

Dreher has a long piece on Hungary--but it's really about the decline of the West.  It's worth the read.

Here's just one graf about Viktor Orban, who is the Prime Minister of Hungary.

...They go on to explain Orban’s illiberalism by quoting his criticism that liberalism is “basically indifferent to the history and fate of the nation.” Liberal universalism “destroys solidarity,” Orban believes. (“If everybody is your brother, then you are an only child.”) Orban believes that liberal policies will lead to the dissolution of the Hungarian nation because liberals by nature think of the nation as an impediment to the realization of their ideals....

True dat.

By the way, Orban was speaking of the current US-Western Europe liberalism.  Nothing could illustrate his remarks better than the Liberal/Biden* NON-border policy. 

That's hardly the only problem, but ..........go ahead; read the essay. 

PS:  Later in his piece, Dreher describes Trump as an 'ineffective President' and 'incompetent.'

Dreher is wrong on both counts.  Trump was VERY effective at stripping the shiny-golden gauze off the monstrous snake 'Deep State," and in going around it on some important issues.  Actually, if he did nothing else, revealing the breadth and depth of the Deep State was an accomplishment equal in stature to winning the Civil War.

As to "incompetence," Dreher is making a category error.  Trump is exceptionally competent in running a large enterprise.  However, even if one combined the evils of Brutus, Benedict Arnold, Quisling, and  Aldrich Ames, that total would not match the forces resisting Trump in the Senate, House, Cabinet, Courts, and the Intel bunch.  So Trump was 'not competent' at running the Government?

Nope.  Trump did not know how to kill off his opposition (bloodlessly, of course) quickly enough to actually take charge of the country.  Don Surber has a long list of things Second-Term Trump should do, and that list is not complete.

Next time will be different.


Anonymous said...

"Don Surber has a long list of things Second-Term Trump should do, and that list is not complete."

LOL, Trump is not coming back! What a waste of precious digital ink by Surber.

Dad29 said...

Whatever you say, bozo

Aqua said...

LOL, anonymous, LOL!

Trump is already back. His selected candidates are winning the primaries. His RINO opponents are in popularity and support collapse. His rallies are the only political event anyone cares to attend. His MAGA vision for America is the only compelling political vision that doesn’t involve compulsion and brute police force. Audits are spreading across the country as Arizona completes theirs and renders the first of many stolen States for Biden nullified. And the crown jewel of Democrat fraud - January 6 false flag op - is slowly being revealed for what it actually was, an FBI infiltrated Democrat-deep state government crime.

Whether he returns to Office - Trump is already controlling the political life of his Party and is the sole force of opposition to seditious Democrats who hate America.

Anonymous said...
