Monday, July 05, 2021

The Vatican vs. Old Rite Kerfuffle

Some 'conservative Catholic' heads are exploding over the possibility that the Vatican (read:  Francis 1) will curtail celebration of the Old Rite Mass.  There's a certain amount of click-baiting goin' on there.  I won't mention names, but one is a former Episcopalian priest, and another is located in Detroit.....

Figure it out yourselves.

Anyhow.  Solid intel on the question says that the Vatican will allow Bishops to decide for themselves how or whether to limit celebration of the Old Rite Mass in their own Dioceses.  Practically speaking, that will not affect the USA; there's too much money at stake for any given Bishop to completely alienate their EF souls.

It's also rumored that some Bishops--in Europe--will require priests who celebrate the Old Rite to also concelebrate an Ordinary Form Mass at least once/year.

Only for the wooden-headed bull-headed will this be a problem, as Fr. Hunwicke astutely notes.

Is this a Big Deal?  Only as long as Francis sits on Peter's chair.  Like most aging Lefty ideologues, he will be subject to death and then all this stuff will go away.


Debbie said...

Exactly. A (not so close) friend of mine got angry with me for not getting all up in arms about this after she listened to these two Opus Dei influenced blogger/reporters. She's a premium member of the Detroit guy and believes he's doing a great job. If it is the case that Bergoglio suppresses the TLM our only option may be the SSPX....which would put the SSPX hating Detroit guy in quite a bad position.

TLM priest said...

It’s only a little pinch of incense to worship the emperor, it’s not a big deal.