Saturday, February 06, 2021

Wasting Time With Tiffany & Gallagher

Gallagher has always been something of a twit.  Tiffany--apparently--still hasn't grown out of being a Vos-grade Leggie.

So they waste time.

Two House Republicans introduced a bill Friday to prevent members of Congress from using campaign funds to pay their spouses, a measure they named after Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Wisconsin Reps. Tom Tiffany and Mike Gallagher introduced the Oversight for Members And Relatives Act, or the OMAR Act, in response to reports that Omar’s campaign paid $2.8 million to a consulting firm owned by her husband, a political consultant named Tim Mynett.

The payments accounted for 70% of the Minnesota Democrat’s campaign spending...

Lemmeesee heah.

China--our ENEMY--continues export medicine to the USA.  China--our ENEMY--continues to spy on the USA through colleges and "research" centers.  Cbina--our ENEMY--continues to export critical infrastructure components to the USA, which components could "fail" at any time, leaving it really dark and cold here.

There is no legislative proposal to rescue 4,000 Wisconsin jobs lost to Biden* on the pipeline.

There is no legislative proposal to protect the jobs of those who refuse to take the vax.

There is no legislative proposal to ensure Social Security or Medicare viability.  Paul Ryan failed, of course, because he actually didn't mean it.  (But he got good pictures!)

But these two juveniles Republicans can legislate ethics in Congress?

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