Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Sam Francis' Brave New World

Z-Man reads good stuff.  I'd forgotten about Sam Francis' thoughts....

The paleoconservative thinker, Sam Francis, developed the concept of anarcho- tyranny, which is when the state tyrannically regulates citizens’ lives yet is unable or unwilling to perform the basics of rule. For example, the government put speed cameras and red-light cameras up, in order to catch small violations, but if your car gets stolen, the cops will not bother looking for it. The tyranny is the micromanagement of the good citizens while driving. The anarchy is ignoring the car thieves....

It's not a long journey to the present situation, either.

...In the 1990’s, a common thing was the town hall meeting, which was not really a town hall meeting. It was an expression for when the representative would show up in his district and take questions from his voters. This was the chance for the politician to show how much he cared about the local issues. The way he did that was by having a detailed knowledge of the facts. If someone asked about the roads, he knew all the bills and bond issues related to road repair....

That was the Sensenbrenner Style, until he went totally native around 2000 or so.  After that, he showed up to bark at his constituents and--if you didn't like Globaloney, like your jobs going to China-- tough s**t.  Immigrants?  What are THEY? 

Now we have avatars, who talk in riddles, usually from D.C.

...This is one reason the political class flew into a panic when Trump came along in the 2016 election. For all his bombast, he was talking about real things in practical terms that actually matter to people. When he spoke of immigration, he talked about rapists crossing the border and illegal aliens killing citizens. Trade was about China ripping off the country and reducing wages in the process. Trump was a throwback to the old-style politicians and that terrorized the current politicians.

This is something else the paleos touched on, but never fully explored. The managerial state not only becomes self-serving as it matures, but it also becomes inward looking, a self-contained culture. Once it becomes class-aware, as we are seeing today, it becomes rapidly insular. The dual purposes are the moral signifiers inside the system and maintaining the barrier between those inside and those outside. These work in concert to further isolate the system from the general society.

This is why our politicians sound increasingly deranged. Not sounding like normal people is very important inside the system. Who they are is not us, so they are constantly looking for ways to signal that to one another. This is why they are now barricading themselves into a green zone in Washington. Most likely, this will begin to happen at the state level. Americans will be ruled by pod people living and operating inside special zones guarded by razor wire and armed men....

The now-utterly reprehensible Cruz, along with the usual Chinny-Dribble Wisconsin "Republicans" are very good at this.  Not quite man enough to tell the Lefty Horde to shove it......because that would not be nice.

"Nice" is not the goal.  Preserving and enhancing America IS the goal.

Except inside the wire.

1 comment:

Stan said...

The reason they have the traffic cameras is to collect money from the fines. Finding your stolen care generates an expense, not a profit.