Sunday, December 01, 2019

Le Policy, C'est Moi!!--LtC Vindman

Apparently Vindman--who is a Lieutenant Colonel, just as John F'n Kerry served in Vietnam--has made an opening statement which was ........not immediately available.

Here's the core of it:

...Specifically, given my personal experience with Ukrainians of every gender, appearance, and persuasion, I play a very important role in developing the “interagency consensus” on Ukraine. That interagency consensus is the product of many memos written by a number of officials at the level of deputy assistant to the deputy undersecretary in the respective agencies, though most of them are not as important or as informed as I am. In fact, after many months of working with those deputy assistants to the deputy undersecretary, I have reached the conclusion that I am more knowledgeable about most things than they are.

In other words, when it comes to our policy in Ukraine, I am the policy. I collate the memos from the respective agencies after they finalized, and I decide what the interagency policy consensus on Ukraine should be, and then I interface with people responsible for implementation of my policies, to verify that the interagency policy consensus is implemented in a manner that I consider most effective....

There's plenty more at the link!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that sheds light on a lot of things. I see a "for the good of the service" separation in this asshole's future.