Tuesday, December 06, 2011

J Edgar: FDR Pushed Japan into WWII

Evidently J Edgar Hoover kept a diary of events, including the run-up to Pearl Harbor.

It confirms the thesis that FDR pushed Japan into attacking Pearl, which had consequences not only for the US, but for China.


RWW said...

Herbert, not J. Edgar. Knowing Hoover's experience in WWI, his attitude toward FDR's push for our involvement in WWII should come as no surprise.

Jim said...

Herbert, J. Edgar. One can get these things mixed up. Kind of like "Tec--er Kansas".

J. Strupp said...

Anything to soil FDR. This whole thing reeks of revisionism.

I'm sure Fox News will be hammering this one home.

TerryN said...

Or like 57 states, or corpse-men...