Saturday, December 11, 2010

No Feelups, No Naked X-Rays (If You're a Mexican)

Gotta hand it to Napolitano....

...the United States has signed a “trusted traveler” agreement that allows pre-screened Mexican airline passengers to bypass lengthy airport security checkpoints.

The foreigners will get “trusted traveler cards” with fingerprints and other biometric data and they must answer customs declarations questions on touch-screen kiosks before leaving airport inspection areas.

About 84 million Mexicans will enjoy privileges NOT granted to US nuns, grannies, breast-feeding mothers, and wheelchair-bound folks.

Or, for that matter, the Ambassador of India.

HT: Zippers


Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

GAWD! So American citizens are more likely to break laws and commit violence than uinknown Mexicans from a nearly failed State? Really?

Jim said...

Do you guys EVER read these articles? This is not about airport security. It's about entry through customs. What does that have to do at all with "feelups" and "naked X-Rays"?

Neo-Con Tastic said...

So Jim, they are giving certain travelers expedition passes, right? Why can't this hold true for citizens that travel through security?

Jim said...

There is no connection between the two. One is going through customs and the other is getting on an airplane.

Display Name said...

Jim, you keep up that sort of fact-checking and fact-stating, and you'll be ignored!