Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yup. You'll Pay for Abortions

Proving that Stupak is either stupid or a liar (we already KNOW that BammyBoy is a liar)...

In the first known instance of direct federal funding of abortion under the new health care legislation, the Obama Administration will give Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new "high-risk" insurance program - and has quietly approved a plan submitted by an appointee of Governor Edward Rendell (D) under which the new program will cover any abortion that is legal in Pennsylvania.

The high-risk pool program, which will be funded entirely by the federal government taxpayers...

Wonder if Bammy and his band contemplated the possibility of civil disobedience?


Jim said...

Apparently these people don't understand the difference between "legal" and "elective".

GOR said...

And this is what those nuns advocated for? Way to go sisters. The cleanup from the Vatican Visitation can't come soon enough!

jimspice said...

OOOH, Yeah! More veiled threats. I live for the veiled threats.

Anonymous said...

LieSite lies. Shocking.

Dad29 said...

Doesn't look "Veiled" to me. It's in pixels, Jim. It's forever.

MLK would approve, remember.

As to Anony: does your Mom let you read the rest of the newspaper after you read the comics?

If so, you'll find that reported by everybody else.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need better sources. I went straight to the horse's mouth.

Dad29 said...

"Horse" is right, but Big Sis is the other end of the horse.

However, we have this from The Hill:

"...the pool would cover abortions that are legal in Pennsylvania, a condition that is met if a single physician determines that an abortion is necessary for the "well-being of the woman."

HHS flak says 'no', then says:

'all high-risk pools - whether run by the states or by the federal government - will follow the same rules as do the insurance plans for federal employees, which only cover abortions in cases of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is in danger'

....which, as we all know, means abortion-on-demand.