Thursday, July 15, 2010

Petraeus' New ROE: Huh?

The report quoted here is only 3 days old, meaning that Petraeus' new ROE should be in force, right?

To the U.S. soldiers getting pounded with thunderous mortar rounds in their combat outpost near Kandahar, it seemed like a legitimate request: allow them to launch retaliatory mortar shells or summon an airstrike against their attackers. The incoming fire was landing perilously close to a guard station, and the soldiers, using a high-powered camera, could clearly see the insurgents shooting.

The response from headquarters — more than 20 miles away — was terse. Permission denied. Battalion-level officers deemed the insurgents too close to a cluster of mud-brick houses, perhaps with civilians inside. --CBS News quoted by The Captain

I don't like the smell of VietNam in the morning.

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