Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Other Planet: FCC

You're going to take the Internet, whether you like it or not.

It's the federal government's job to get everyone online, whether they like it or not.

That was the consensus of a summit jointly held by the Federal Communications Commission and the John S. Knight Foundation. The three and a half hour “Digital Inclusion Summit,” held in Washington, D.C.’s Newseum and emceed by FCC Chair Julius Genachowski, pushed the trope that the “underserved” must receive broadband access through government assistance.

That's despite this:

In a survey taken by Pew, one in three consumers who lack Internet simply do not want it. Of current dial-up users, about 62 percent have no interest in subscribing to broadband.

The alternative-reality discussion included such ideas as using Americorps workers to "help" people to get online--at broadband speed.

HT: WashExaminer

1 comment:

Tim Morrissey said...

You vill log on und you vill like it. Verstehen sie mich?