Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The REAL Cost of Cap-n-Tax

Not the ones put out for show by EPA, but the Treasury's estimates.

Officials at the Treasury Department think cap-and-trade legislation would cost taxpayers hundreds of billion in taxes, according to internal documents circulated within the agency and provided to The Washington Times…

A memo prepared by Judson Jaffe, who works in the Treasury’s Office of Environment and Energy, referenced President Obama’s remarks on energy policy in his State of the Union Address and said, given the president’s plan to auction emissions allowances, “a cap-and-trade program could generate federal receipts on the order of $100 to $200 billion annually.”

And those are taxes you will pay through your electric and gas bills (not to mention your food.)

1 comment:

Billiam said...

It's strange. Everytime they talk about taxes on this fuel or that, or higher cafe standards, or our dependence on foreign oil, they neglect one important industry. Transportation. How do these idiots think product gets to market? Do they think it just magically appears? Do they think, like Star Trek, it's just beamed down by Scotty?! I have news for these fools. It takes a lot of fuel to get things across oceans, much less across the country. And don't give me this do by rail crap, either. Unless you live by a railroad, you have to get it transported by someone.

That's where guys like me come in. Many trucking companies went under when diesel went to $4.00+ a gallon. That put a l,ot of drivers on the market, as well as drove up costs because companies had to raise rates in order to compensate for the higher fuel. There was also a fuel surcharge, that adjusted as the price per gallon did. Now, if you pass cap and tax, you'll put more companies out of business. This will lead to one of two scenarios. 1, bigger, powerful, and if cardcheck passes, Union carriers. Talk about a price hike! 2. the influx of foreign drivers who don't speak or read the language, and are from a different culture with different driving habits. Feeling safer? Just ask someone who's been around a new driver just moved here from Eastern Europe.