Friday, October 13, 2006

Darth Doyle's New Friend from Chicago

After years of snickering and snarking about "Chicago politics," Wisconsin citizens are getting a big dose of them.

Right here in River City Madison. Oh, we got Trouble, trouble, trouble...

Actually, Darth Doyle, the Slime-in-Residence at the Governor's Mansion has the trouble, trouble, trouble...and it's name is "Individual B," (which rhymes with P, for Payoff...and Pizza?!?!)

If there's a person an incumbent governor in a tough re-election fight doesn't want to be linked to in any way, shape or form, it's someone whom the feds refer to in an indictment as "Individual B."

That's not someone a governor wants to be associated with.

But Gov. Jim Doyle finds himself in the company of just that sort of guy this week.

Chicago's U.S. attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald, unsealed a couple of political indictments against Antoin Rezko, a top Democratic fund-raiser for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. A major player in the two bombshell indictments is Individual B, who, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, is really Blagojevich's top money man, Christopher Kelly.

...Kelly gave the maximum $10,000 donation to Doyle's campaign on June 24. Kelly was, according to news accounts, under investigation when he made the donation and remains under the federal microscope today.

Wonder why Kelly has such an interest in Wisconsin gummint? So do we...but Darth's New York City-style mouthpiece doesn't answer questions:

As for the governor's relation with Kelly, Kaye implied that there was none, though he did not say it point-blank. He declined to say whether he even bothered to ask Doyle this key question, instead replying repeatedly, "They may have been in the same room together."

Close enough to hand over a check, anyway...

Now here's the strangest bit of info:

Among other things, the grand jury alleges that Kelly:

Padded the financial figures for Rezko's Milwaukee-area Papa John's outlets while he was the controller for the group of restaurants owned by Rezko. Those documents were used to help secure loans from General Electric Capital Corp. in 2001. Kelly left the business a year later.

The SpiceBoyzzz tell us that Kelly is currently a "rich roofer." Interesting career. Pizza---Roofing.

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