Saturday, September 09, 2006

More on Feingold: The Continuing Menace

The Shark finds that Rusty Feingold is 100% inimical to Christianity in America.

Perhaps we mis-read Feinie as "friendly to Islamofascism." He just hates Christianity, like the ACLU.

Tammy Baldwin was a close, but imperfect, second to Rusty.

I continue to maintain that if Michels had NOT stuck himself to GWB a couple of years ago, Feinie would currently be Chief Counsel at ACLU, (Satan's US headquarters...)


steveegg said...

I continue to maintain that if Michels had NOT stuck himself to GWB a couple of years ago, Feinie would currently be Chief Counsel at ACLU, (Satan's US headquarters...)

I continue to maintain that if we had Republicans instead of RINOs leading the "R"PW, they wouldn't have thrown the hissy fits that gave Russ el-Slimeroad (Moonbat-Al Qaeda) the 1998 and 2004 elections.

Dad29 said...

Yah, well--it was Tommy Thompson who knifed Mark in '98.

Don't recall the specific knife-meister in '04.

But RINO fits GWB to a great extent, too...