Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Nearly 100% of Wisconsin residents who die were seen by a doctor.

Nearly 100% of Wisconsin residents who die were in an automobile.

Nearly 100% of Wisconsin residents who die were affected by gravity.

Nearly 100% of Wisconsin residents who die inhaled Wisconsin air.

Nearly 100% of Wisconsin residents who die saw sunshine.

Well over 50% of Wisconsin residents who die met a member of the opposite sex.

The vast majority of Wisconsin residents who die paid Wisconsin state or local taxes.


Billiam said...

You left one out. 100% of all Wisconsin residents who drove cars, and died, had paint on the cars. You see, it's all because of the paint industry!

The Badgerland Conservative said...

You've been linked! This is like what I sau: Life is the No. 1 cause of death. Or as Jim Morrison said: "No one gets out of here alive."

TPDN said...
Just trying to help.