Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Stage 7 of War-With-Russia-Prep Now Operative

Yes, indeed, the Party of Permanent War (it's bi-partisan!!!) is moving right along on their plan.

...(1) Sanctions against Russia failed.  (2) NATO expanded, creating more provocation. (3) NATO pledged Ukraine NATO membership.  (4) Biden then pledged new long-range missiles will be located in Germany in 2026 able to reach all of Russia. (5) Russia sailed a nuclear submarine into Cuba; and (6) Yesterday, Vladimir Putin pledged to put nuclear weapons close to the USA (likely Cuba) if Biden puts long-range missiles in Germany....

[And now]  ...The people behind Joe Biden just told congress they are expanding the nuclear weapon arsenal in the U.K and Europe [White House Announcement]; presumably for use against Russia....

As Sundance would say:  "Got iodine???"


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