Saturday, July 27, 2024

Czar Harris' Dep't of Homeland "Security" Team

Well, well, well.

...The Department of Homeland Security has refused to follow a law mandating it take DNA samples from illegal immigrants taken into custody, which would identify violent criminals and child traffickers, employees told the U.S. Senate this week.

Speaking to senators on Tuesday, three former WMD officials presented evidence that DHS and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had blocked their efforts to comply with a 2005 law, then retaliated against them when they sounded the alarm about the lawbreaking.

"Given the enormous potential of DNA collection to facility solving crimes, we took our job seriously," Fred Wynn said.

Law enforcement experts from CBP's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) unit were tasked with implementing a mandatory program to DNA-test illegals. But higher-ups at DHS were so opposed to the law that they continuously thwarted it, eventually disbanding the entire WMD division, the whistleblowers say. Disbanding the division may have opened the United States to a WMD attack, in addition to criminals crossing the border....AOSHQ quoting Luke Rosiak
Fits right in with the Harris/Biden program.

When will Mayorkas be shot at dawn for treason?

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