Saturday, July 01, 2023

"Moral Duty" To Aid Lawbreaking?

Actually, it's at least remote mediate material cooperation in evil.

“We have a moral duty to welcome, clothe, feed and respect newcomers, no matter how they got here,” he continued.

That would be Cdl. Dolan of New York City, who has a serious problem with moral confusion.

Let's review the criteria for 'cooperation with evil.'

 ...Cooperation in the sinful act of another by material support which is remote, that is, not intimately connected to the evil act is sinful. However, under certain conditions it can be tolerated.

    The act by which cooperation is rendered is not itself sinful; that is, it has two effects; the good one is chosen, the bad one is tolerated.
    There is a proportionately serious reason to justify tolerating the evil of another.
    The danger of scandal is avoided, by protest, explanation, or some other means...

There can be no doubt that invading the United States illegally is a sin.  Illegal immigrants are sinners.  Thus, when Cdl. Dolan and his tax-taker gang, the United States Catholic Conference, provide material support (which is not intimately connected to the evil act) they are sinning.

One could also argue that +Dolan and his gang are providing proximate mediate moral cooperation (not remote) to the law-breakers.

...Proximate mediate material cooperation is always sinful,

as it leads to, and
is necessary for, the sinful act to occur. For example, to provide nursing care pre- or post-operatively for an abortion. It is not an abortion, but it makes one possible.

The Cardinal may attempt to argue that 'his remote mediate material cooperation is not sinful, because there are exceptions.  True.  But note that the exceptions include a requirement that the danger of scandal is avoided by protest, explanation, or some other means.  Simply announcing that "we are acting morally" is not avoiding the scandal; there is no protest of the illegal (sinful) actions taken by the immigrants.

We all know that a degree in Church History is not the same as a degree in Moral Theology.  Perhaps the Cardinal can find a staffer who is acquainted with that field before he runs off at the mouth again. 

Is this a case of "just a pinch"?

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