Saturday, July 22, 2023

Aldean Is RIGHT!!

 Stolen from Surber:


capper said...

General Sherman tried it in several small towns. They all surrendered.

Also, Killer Kyle can't even get people to his 2A rallies anymore.

susan said...

ooohhhh jeeeeze....give it a rest already feybriel. You've become WAY beyond tiresome.

Dad29 said...

Actually, Susan, Casper was around a lot before we burned him with facts and logic.

Apparently AFSCME is pushing him out into the wild again.

capper said...

Daddies, I retired four years ago, thanks to my union. And I've been writing at a national site for years. Thanks for your concern though.

susan said...'re an 'elite'....and feel the need to brag about it...and make sure that everyone know s how very cool you are. Bet you have a CV tatoo'd on your forehead, just in case someone, somewhere might not know how very cool you are.
That does explain a LOT.

Sorry Dad; he sounds just like a neo-pagan ass of a troll who's taken over multiple once-good comment sections at trad-leaning sites with inane, fact-less drivel. But OHHhhhh, how he likes to talk. Cause, you know...everyone NEEDS to know how very cool he is. \


Grim said...

It's ironic to see someone use "Killer" as a pejorative and then cite William Sherman approvingly. Sherman and his deputy Phil Sheridan took everything they learned in the Civil War -- wage war not on the armies but the civilians, burn their homes and crops when winter is coming on, kill livestock to starve the families so the warriors will stop fighting -- and used it against the Native Americans to genocidal effect. "Colonel Custer" had been "General Custer" under Sherman's command; and after the Civil War, Sherman took overall command of the armies for the Indian Wars.

Sheridan and Custer kept right on carrying out his orders, and they were the same orders he had been giving them in Georgia and the Shenandoah Valley. Somehow their names tend to get left out when we hear about how awful the genocide against Native Americans was from the very same people who love what they did to other Americans.

Dad29 said...

Grim, "Capper" is a early-retired Milwaukee County worker (AFSCME). Milwaukee County has both a Sheridan Park AND a Sherman Park.

So--since he's a Union Man and ignorant as a post, he thinks they're both heroes.


Grim said...

Duly noted.