Wednesday, May 03, 2023

UW-Madistan Election-Fraud Sceme

Call it what you like, but this scheme is tantamount to election fraud.

...the UW has so much money on hand that it has time and money to pay students $250 (each) cash to vote. I call it the UW’s “cash for votes” scheme, but of course, the UW claims it’s just paying students to contact others to vote. Uh-ha. Sure.

Likewise, the UW is using its taxpayer-funded staff to work on this effort, which may be illegal, but of course, they claim it’s a bi-partisan effort to get out the vote, but not only is not part of the core mission of a university, but of the dozen ultra-left organizations that the UW is coordinating with, only one (the College Republicans) is conservative, and I spoke with them and they say they never worked with the UW on such a campaign, so that’s a lie...

Oh, please.  We know that UW-Madison would never lie.  They're academics!  Truth, and all that rot.

 ...In addition, the UW is also unethically and possibly illegally (?) using its foundation to hide the source of secret hush money from a donor to assist in funding their efforts. I don’t think the foundation was established to engage in partisan political activities and that should stop....

 ...The UW has driven massive voter turnout in the student districts for the last three elections. The last time I looked it was up to 90% in some cases. Now explain to me how the UW can have a 90% voter turnout when about half the students are from out of state....

Hiding slush-fund political money?  Pushing illegal voting?  (That's what it is if the 'voter' is not a bona fide resident of the State.)  Really?  Our beloved tax-sucking hard-left UW?

The author of the quoted piece would like the Republican majority to slice a bunch of funding off the UW 'gimme list.'

Don't hold your breath.

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