Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sinking the Target Ship

Interesting item over at Ace's Place.

Here's the condensed version:

1) Target has become reliant on selling groceries, cosmetics and other items that people consume regularly and return to the store to buy out of habit.

Their traditional business of
clothes and seasonal items has shrunk in terms of size and profitability

2) They are seeing a significant profitability impact from *theft*....

Since Target intends to keep 'serving the communities', the 'shrink'--however incurred--will remain in place or get larger.  That means that Target must retain or grow its suburban/exurban business in grocery and cosmetics.

But food and cosmetics are available at a lot of other places in the 'burbs,' right?


capper said...

So, then why are grocery stores expanding the things they sell to items you find in discount stores, like Target.

Also, why is Walmart selling groceries? Are they woke too?

Dad29 said...

All those years of smoking dope finally brought you to the cognizance-level of Biden, eh?

By the way, what're you going to do when your pension plan runs out of money next year?

capper said...

Poor MAGAt! Another one of your Qonspiracy theories crumbles like a house of cards.

BTW, when are you going to do something about all those groomers in the Church?