Monday, May 22, 2023

Bai-Den Plans a No-Win Forever War

Since Ukraine has failed to make any progress and the Russians are merely grinding the Ukraine Army to shreds (>90,000 casualties so far), not charging to the Black Sea, the Bai-Den Treason Administration now plans to spend another several years there.

...POLITICO – a German-owned outlet the “intelligence community” often uses to plant information – spoke to a number of current and former officials “granted anonymity to describe sensitive issues” who believe Ukraine could become a frozen conflict.

We are planning for the long term, whether it looks frozen or thawed,” said a source the report described as a “U.S. official familiar with the Biden administration’s discussions on Ukraine.”...quoted at AOSHQ


Somebody tell Jay Weber!  His strategic-brain announcement this morning that Ukraine was winning this war does not comport with the story given through Politico.  He'd better change his revelation quickly to comport with today's propaganda instead of yesterday's.

A "frozen conflict" serves the purpose of the military-industrial complex rather nicely.  They get umpty-bazillions in revenue, replacing the umpty-billions revenue stream lost with Bai-Den's horrific exit from the 'stan and of course, Iraq.

And Putin continues to grind even more Ukies into dust.  (Bonus!  Population control!!)


Mar said...

Gee, according to you, Russia should have taken over Ukraine 6 months ago.
How are your predictions working out for you?
Not so well, Dad.

Dad29 said...

You are wrong. I never predicted that Russia would 'take over Ukraine,' because that is not Putin's objective. Your fevered imagination is out of control again.

And you were wrong when you surmised that Ukraine would repel Russia, too. Here's Col. MacGregor on the VERY recent development:

If President Putin and his senior military leaders wanted outside evidence for Surovikin’s strategic success in Bakhmut, a Western admission appears to provide it: Washington and her European allies seem to think that a frozen conflict—in which fighting pauses but neither side is victorious, nor does either side agree that the war is officially over—could be the most politically palatable long-term outcome for NATO. In other words, Zelensky’s supporters no longer believe in the myth of Ukrainian victory.

Read it and weep, friend. The good news? Nothing prevents you from suiting up and going over there to defend Ukraine borders. Just understand that most Americans don't really give a shit about them. Not our vital national interest--only the interest of the Biden Crime Family.

Dad29 said...

More, from an ex-CIA who retains a lot of contacts:

Conventional military doctrine stipulates that an army attacking an entrenched force will need at least three times more soldiers than the defending force.. Looks like Russia is very unconventional. The Wagner Group’s 32,000 fighters defeated a Ukrainian force that employed over 120,000 troops, inflicting 70% casualties on the Ukrainians.

Read it and weep.

Mar said...

Oh, Dad, I realize you read Pravda and Tass and believe Putin is a god.
But it's not determined who rules a bombed out city of Bakhut.
But the Wagner group is also bailing on Russia. But hey, if your group is made up of prisoners that have no experience or discipline of a trained military, they are just getting slaughtered.
Just too bad the Wagner Group didn't recruit Brittany Greiner. She would have kicked ass in Ukraine

Dad29 said...

if your group is made up of prisoners that have no experience or discipline of a trained military, they are just getting slaughtered.

You're speaking of your little god Zelenskiy's army, of course.

Even the Ukies have officially given up on Bakhmut. Read a newspaper!

Wny should the Russkies "take land" when they can--and do--sit back and slaughter Zelenskiy's (Biden's) citizens with a crap-ton of artillery? It's a lot easier to 'take land' when there's no one left to defend it, and that's exactly what the Russkies are doing.

Orban knows and said so. Poland is in the same ballpark: Ukraine has lost.

But Brit propagandists (Daily Mail among others) still spew Boris Johnson's line of shit and you eat it up as it it were caviar. Sad.

Dad29 said...

By the way, your little tin god Zelenskiy, the most corrupt dictator in Europe, has not been home for several weeks.

Rumors are that if he shows up, he'll be assassinated and there will be a coup, with the new Government suing for peace.

What do your Brit/Biden propaganda sheets have to say about that?