Friday, January 21, 2022

Hannity Is On the Dark Side

Just in case you haven't noticed Hannity went to the Dark Side on January 6th or so.

(On the other hand, does anyone still listen to or watch that chubby chipmunk?)

“1- No more stolen election talk,” Hannity texted McEnany, who herself sat down with committee investigators last week after being subpoenaed. Per the letter, he continued, “2- Yes, impeachment and the 25th amendment are real and many people will quit.”

McEnany responded “Love that. Thank you. That is the playbook. I will help reinforce.”

 In another partial exchange, Hannity said it was “key” to keep President Trump away from certain people, writing, “No more crazy people,” to which McEnany responded, “Yes, 100%.”

Hannity was all-in for The Vaxx, too, without a scintilla of knowledge about it other than what "Dr." Fauci said, and Hannity-the-Kissup also thinks every FBI agent is clean as the driven snow.

A little too fat and happy.  And there's that 'I quit being a Catholic because they won't let me dump my wife for a new model' thing, too. 

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