Sunday, January 23, 2022

Advocate Aurora Medics Push Vaxx in Ads

There's something waaaaayyyy beyond creepy in those Aurora Advocate ads wherein their medical personnel beg you to take The Vaxx.


Because if you go into an Aurora facility with fever, cough, (etc.) and come up with a positive CoVid-19 test, the "medical personnel" will NOT write a scrip for HCQ + Zithpak, nor for Ivermectin.

Nope.  Those may solve the problem, quickly, but you won't get those.

They'll tell you to go home and suffer.  And if it gets a lot worse, then hit the ER.

There, you'll get Remdesivir, which has a track record of damaging the kidneys and/or liver.

Because that's Government Medicine, see?  What the Government pays for--that's what they do.

And if you die due to their refusal to prescribe remedials?


So.  What do you owe to Advocate Aurora???

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