Thursday, August 12, 2021

Pravda Obsesses Over RoJo. Again.

The Wisconsin branch office of USAToday--a/k/a Pravda--continues its obsessive-compulsive hate-screed against Sen. Ron Johnson.

The Artful Lie didn't die with Dickens, ya'know.

...U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson pushed back Wednesday at assertions that he forced a tax cut provision through to benefit wealthy Americans, including two of the biggest forces in Republican politics in Wisconsin and nationally....

What was this massive "gift" to "the rich"?

...During the crafting of the 2017 tax cut bill, Johnson pushed for a tax break for small businesses and other so-called pass-through entities. In these businesses, profits pass-through to the owners who pay taxes on their personal returns....

Oh.  How many people--aside from the Uihleins--were helped by this provision?

“My support for ‘pass-through’ entities — that represent over 95% of all businesses — was guided by the necessity to keep them competitive with large publicly held ‘C-corporations’...

 "C-corps" like USAToday.

Shall we investigate the anti-competitive C-corps?

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