Sunday, March 07, 2021

Michigan Governed by a Serious-Threat Nutbag

Not only is Michigan's Govern-ette a roaring totalitarian with serious paranoid instincts; she's now a danger to the Great Lakes, Michigan residents, and Canada.

Quite a package for the gal once known as "Stretchin' Gretchen" back at Grand Valley State.

Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has issued what nearly amounts to a declaration of war against our northern ally.  Whitmer is threatening to cancel a permit on May 13 that could halt oil and natural gas flow through Line 5.  The line is critical to the energy needs of people in both Canada and America.

If that happens, the replacement would be either eight 100-car trains/day (see Warren Buffett) OR five full barges/day from Lake Superior through the Straits.  (That would be fun to watch in a cold winter, no?)

Then there's the dam collapse and flooding of Midland caused by the Enviro-Wacked-Out A.G.--another bitter, partisan, wench.

How the blazes did Michigan get these two? 

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