Thursday, March 04, 2021

"Equality" Out. "Equity" In. Huh??

Tin-Pot Tony Evers wants to add a "Chief Equity Officer" for his Cabinet.

Oh.  OK.

Benson: What exactly would a Chief Equity Officer do?

Sec. Brennan: I think the Chief Equity Officer, what their charge would be, is to look across the enterprise of State Government to ensure that we're reflecting Wisconsin's population and the way that we fill jobs and the way that we prioritize the investments that we make....

 (Remember that "investment" is really "SPENDING.")

In a 2001 report, we see that Wisconsin's minority population is about 11% of the whole.  Just for kicks, let's jack that up to 20% today.

Does this mean that State spending will be 80% devoted to majority whites?  

State hiring must be 80% white?  That all that stuff about "equal opportunity" actually means 80% whites and 20% black, hispanic, asian?


Sounds a lot like racism to me.

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