Sunday, December 06, 2020

The Ultimate Christmas-Cancel Attempt

While Feeble Tin-Pot Tony Evers only wants to cancel the Christmas tree in the Capitol, Joe Biden wants to cancel Christmas altogether, especially if you have a family or travel to see them.

"Christmas is going to be a lot harder," Joe Biden told an audience in a virtual briefing on December 2.  "I don't want to scare anyone here, but understand the facts.  We're likely to lose another 250,000 people dead between now and January ... because people aren't paying attention."

Fraudci, DoomSayer to the Stars, has been croaking out the same message. 

Twenty years ago, the "War on Christmas" began, and Biden voters were in the forefront, even if Biden was silent about it--as he was about "gay marriage," for example.

Not likely that Biden/Fraudci and their bunch will win this battle, either.  But they're advancing in the war, strangely enough.

About time for men of faith to make their presence known.  Can't win a war by disappearing.


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