Friday, December 04, 2020

Covidoom Porn!! See Local Pravda

Front page, with pictures!!  

Some newspapers are just Red Chinese operatives.


John F. Kennedy said...

The pictures show nearly all are pretty old. Of course it would have been helpful if there was a link to each person's obit, for some confirmation. How do we know that any of it is true?

Dad29 said...

"True" in what sense? Are they all dead? Probably.

But what CAUSED their death? That's a very good question. It's very clear that "Covid" is present with many of these folks--but they are also super-annuated, or are seriously overweight, have heart conditions, diabetic, high blood pressure.....etc.

My point, however, is that the "news" paper is highlighting Covid-Doom as a propaganda ploy.

Anonymous said...

Average age of the 52 people profiled is 78.48...... take out the two outliers of 30 and 45 and the average age jumps to 80.12.