Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The AP Goes Even More Pecksniff

The AssPress (that's not really an abbreviation) is so..........ahhh.........classy, so.......erudite, so.........full of itself that now it invents meanings which simply are not there.

Some would call that "Fake News."  They would be correct.

Here they are, fresh from the fainting-couch:

Like whisperers in a tempest, conservative-minded officials across the breadth of Donald Trump’s government are letting it be known what they think of him, and some of it isn’t pretty.  But they are speaking oh so softly, in a kind of code, to a country that may only hear shouting. Jim Mattis is just the latest in a string of leading lights from the conservative establishment...

'Scuse me, but when did Jim Mattis become a 'leading light from the conservative establishment'?  He's a Marine 4-star, very bright, knows his history and humanities--and war.  But an "establishment" guy?  A "leading light"?  Really??? 

Yah, well, no, but they needed him for the narrative.

“The well-informed public understands what they’re saying and how deeply concerned they are,” said Cal Jillson, a political science professor and historian at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. “The rest of the public might not get it.”

In brief, these Illuminati, these Anointed Ones, are the few who can discern those emanations, penumbras, and entrails, and then tell us what they mean.  Not that you would understand, of course.

All the rest of you, who speak only English, are........ahhh..........entertainment..........for these Ones, these Onlies.

Sorry.  I have to go puke now....

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