Saturday, September 07, 2019

Seattle Suicide Blessings? NOPE!

Well, well, well.  The lying-for-narrative shows up again, this time in Seattle.

Turns out that the Alphabet People, the AssPress, and a suicidal parishioner combined to create a narrative--a narrative which was false from top to bottom.

Short take:  the act of suicide was not "blessed," and a priest or two has been slandered. 

From Roe v. Wade and Lawrence v. Texas forward, homosexuals and abortion promoters have created narratives to attain their goals.  They told lies and swore to them, usually with the complicity of the press and "lawyers", and some unwitting bystanders.  Sometimes they fail, as was the case with Kavanaugh.  Too many times they get what they want.

This story is just one more proving the old truism about Lies and Death being roommates.  Learn to read "news" with the same cynicism you afford to the promises of politicians, friends.

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