Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dope-Smokers Are Dumb(er)

O'Donnell has a bunch of interesting facts about marijuana. 

Wanna stop "gun violence"?   Make maryjane smokers into prohibited persons.  Paranoia, schizophrenia, and psychotic symptoms don't match up well with deadly weapons.

...A wide-ranging study of several decades’ worth of marijuana research published in the journal Addiction reveals that “acute effects [of marijuana ingestion] mainly include anxiety, paranoia (especially among new users), dysphoria, cognitive impairment, and psychotic symptoms (especially in people with a family history of psychosis).”

Moreover, prolonged usage of “marijuana is connected to a doubled risk of a schizophrenia diagnosis in the future.”

As the National Institutes of Health notes, a large-scale study in New Zealand “found that persistent marijuana use disorder with frequent use starting in adolescence was associated with a loss of an average of 6 or up to 8 IQ points measured in mid-adulthood.  Significantly, in that study, those who used marijuana heavily as teenagers and quit using as adults did not recover the lost IQ points.”...
Oh, by the way, dope smokers are like drunk drivers: serious road hazards.

...Someone who is driving while high on the drug is 50% more likely to be involved in a car accident, and states that have legalized marijuana have seen a dramatic spike in crashes.

CNN reported that one study “found that crashes are up as much as 6% in Washington, Oregon and Colorado, compared with neighboring states that haven’t legalized recreational use of weed,” while a “second study looked at the number of police-reported accidents before and after the legalization of recreational use of weed. The findings were similar: a 5.2% increase in crash rates after legalization than before weed was legal in those states.”...

Tokin' Tony Evers wants to legalize Flight420 and Tim the Toolman Allen would seem to agree, based on his current show's use of a dope-selling op; so the Loco-Lettuceheads have some momentum.

Just say "NO!".....

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