Saturday, June 02, 2018

Vukmir's Right: Move the Swamp to Drain It

Wiggy takes exception to Vukmir's insight that relocating Federal agencies OUT of Mordor on the Potomac will help to 'drain the swamp.'

...Our founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom and a spirit of compromise, chose to create Washington D.C. from a swamp so that no one state would have an inordinate influence on the newly created central government. Vukmir’s idea is to reduce the lobbying class by pushing the government out of Washington. But all it will do is further isolate our federal legislators from the executive branch agencies, causing legislators to rely more upon (you guessed it) lobbyists and the executive branch for information about what the agencies are doing....

Wiggy concedes, indirectly, that lobbyists will have a much harder time if Gummint is not convenient to them.  (You know, like a big fat dressed turkey sitting on the table.)  Correct.  Forcing lobbyists to increase their cost of operations (and their billings) will put a crimp in their bloodsucking orifices.

But Wiggy appears to forget that the invention of the telephone occurred after the Founding.  (Perhaps one of his kids could show him "Skype" someday.)  So what's this critical need for various agencies to be 'close to' our eminent leggies, Wiggy?  And--by the way--the Founders did NOT establish the Department of Education, nor the Department of Transportation, nor the EPA ......I could go on.  They were smart enough NOT to do that, eh?  So the "they established DC" stuff isn't really a solid argument.

Finally, if Vukmir does it right, those agencies will be relocated to places that NO Fed fat-cat wants to go.  North/South Dakota, mid-Nebraska, the U.P., and yes, even a REAL swamp such as the one near New Orleans.  It'll be good for them to get acquainted with some of the Dirt People--the untermensch--the Country Class, as Codevilla calls us.  It's possible that we would respect them. 


And of course, some Fed agencies and departments would remain in D.C. 


TuNeCedeMalisPJS said...

There is no way to elinat lobbiests from political systems. The only way to minimize their influence is to minimize what government does and therefor spends. Less money and less regulation mean less lobbying.
We need to get government out of most things it is doing.

yosabrams0918 said...
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