Friday, March 02, 2018

Tariffs. Another Sign of the Apocalypse, Right?

Here we are at the End of the World.  The price of a beer-can is about to go up by about $0.00001, or maybe $0.00003.

Bloomberg predicts that steel- and aluminum- user companies will be forced to LAY OFF WORKERS and RAISE PRICES, as a result of which everyone in the US will have to go on welfare and drive 34-year-old used cars.  (Maybe importing some Cuban mechanics to keep them running.)

It's all Trump's fault.  Curious that Bloomberg never talks about Gummint unions, eh?


I'll pay an extra 10 cents on a case of beer to keep my neighbor's job here in the US.  And I'll pay an extra $200.00 for a new car so my neighbor's kid can have that new letter jacket.

Don't give me any crap about unions, either.  Yes--you are correct--unions managed to foul their own beds in a lot of places.  As a result, unions no longer own all the steel- and aluminum-making jobs in this country.  And they won't, ever again.

Wanna look at blowing up unions?  Blow up the union cartel that owns the Federal, State, and Municipal Governments.  See how the Democrats and Bloomberg react to that move.

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