Tuesday, July 19, 2011

More of "The Ideal Candidate" Q&A

More of the ideal candidate's responses.

11. If a state chooses to nullify a federal law, what action would you take?

It would depend on the law, and whether the authority of that law is more proper to the several States. I contend that the Founding Fathers meant what they said when they wrote something down, as most of us are wont to do, which is why I support a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

15. Were the attacks on the Marine barracks in Beirut, or the USS Cole, terrorist attacks or attacks on a legitimate military target?

Yes to both.

16. What is the maximum amount – not percentage – that anyone should have to pay in taxes?

Taxation based upon a percentage of earnings has historically been a criterion for determining the amount of taxation. The question presumes that this is not the case, and is therefore not a fair question. I am not compelled to answer.

More at the link.

1 comment:

J. Strupp said...

"Taxation based upon a percentage of earnings has historically been a criterion for determining the amount of taxation"

Which color pill do I take to get to this magical place?