Sunday, March 06, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Gateway mentions the boycott threats in Wausau. Sorta mild-mannered stuff. Far more and.....ummn...... menacing letters have been issued in Manitowoc County.

But I'm intrigued by the fact that Da Union apparently thinks it's necessary to provide TEACHERS with a pre-written form letter so the TEACHERS can threaten a boycott.


Aren't TEACHERS supposed to be able to formulate a 4-graf letter on their own, stating the reason for the letter, providing evidence for claims, (etc.)?

Don't TEACHERS have to go 2 kalleje? Pass tests? Bkum sertafyed?

Whatever DID they learn there?


neomom said...

If you saw the youtube of the Noodles is a dictatorship guy, a lot of teachers and the Dean of the Madison MATC learned to be Socialists.

Paul - Berry Laker said...

Time to buy more Johnsonville Brats, Sargento cheese and look at Bergstrom if they sell Fords.

These teachers are going off the deep end. Time to pull the plug on all public unions.

Enjoy your Sunday