Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The State Patrol

The Madistan blogger has a take:

If your name is Fitzgerald and you need a cushy, high-paying state job, just call Governor Walker’s office at 608-266-1212 and tell Scotty which job you’d like.

While I'm not that cynical, (and there's more at the link), I am unhappy about the appointment for another reason.

The State Patrol should be (largely) disbanded. We have lotsa County Sheriffs in this State (72 at last count) who employ lotsa deputies to, among other things, patrol the highways.

So why a State Patrol--which has ZERO jurisdiction off the State highways and Interstates? We just do not NEED them, folks.

The Patrol does have a couple of functions which should be retained: truck inspection and Gubernatorial security. However, the Capitol Police ALSO have statewide 'security' jurisdiction; no reason that the 'security' functions can't be combined.

Keep the truck-inspections. But that's all that's needed.

So. Given that two of the three most powerful politicos in the State have an interest in preserving the not-really-needed expense of the Patrol, I guess we'll just have to pony up the money.


For at least 4 more years.


Anonymous said...

I believe that the State Patrol has authority to police anywhere in the state, not just on state roads. I think sheriff departments have the authority to police anywhere in their county, not just on county roads. Local police departments may police anywhere in their local muncipality. Heard some talk about having the State Patrol carry out more work related to crime investigation and not focusing so much on patrol work, etc.

Dad29 said...

OK, so what?

That makes THREE agencies with jurisdiction in every county (and the State).

That's a lotta cops.

Display Name said...

What? No funny nicknames for Walker when his compatriots do things like this? Walkerzzzz Boyzzz?

Anonymous said...

I agree. Looks like a lot of overlap to me. Cut the Troopers.

TerryN said...

My Canadian friends are always puzzled at the number of overlapping police departments here in the states.

They do fine with municipal police and the RCMP.

Dan said...

In Dane County and specifically , the city of Madison, they have the Capitol police, Dane County Sheriff, Madison Police, Highway patrol, U.W. police and not to mention the surrounding towns like Maple Bluff, Town of Madison and others.
Yes, we have enough cops.

Disgruntled Car Salesman said...

Foust, you troll.

Anonymous said...

My Canadian friends are always puzzled by our fractured health insurance system. But I digress...

Tim Morrissey said...

How do you suppose the Fitz boys will vote, when the issue of merging the State Patrol and the Capitol Police comes up - as it most certainly should?

Think they'll vote their daddy out of the job they put him in? Or expand his gummint clout by putting him in charge of both?

Display Name said...

It's not trolling. It's pointing out that even when Dad29 recognizes the flaws of Republicans, he doesn't engage in the third-grade name-calling that he does with Democrats.

TerryN said...

"My Canadian friends are always puzzled by our fractured health insurance system. But I digress..."

The ones who shell out >50% of their income in taxes every year just the ones waiting in line for a doctor? But I digress...