Monday, December 06, 2010

Porkulus Was a Zero Job-Adder. Surprise!!

Oh, yah.

...the economists at e21 take a long look at a new study by Daniel Wilson at the San Francisco Fed on the effect on employment from the Obama administration’s stimulus plan, which indicates that the impact was a lot less than advertised. Instead of adding two million jobs to the economy, the Fed finds that any new jobs added had disappeared by August of this year

Probably Global Warming. Or Bush. Or Scott Walker. Or Too Much Salt.

HT: Hot Air


J. Strupp said...

Says an outfit led by Bill Kristol and Keith Hennessey.


rashid1891 said...

he economists at e21 take a long look at a new study by Daniel Wilson at the San Francisco Fed on the effect on employment from the Obama administration’s stimulus plan, which indicates that the impact was a lot less than advertised.