Monday, December 13, 2010

Heartwarming Story for Dads Everywhere


An enraged father who disapproved of his daughter's older boyfriend went to his home and castrated him with a bread knife.... He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him – so I did.

At least the butterknife was not rusty.

HT: Vox


Dave said...

Personally, I would have done something which would have had the same effect without leaving would have involved string bikinis and the panel from The View...

Dad29 said...

Sounds complicated...too much work.

Dave said...

Possibly...and considering that this took place in Germany, they would find Joy Behar to be attractive...

Headless Blogger said...

Let me be on the jury.

Display Name said...

Glorify violence, especially if it involves the genitals.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. I thought Christians denounced forms of Sharia Law.

Anonymous said...

"Eye for an Eye" is Judeo-Christian, not Sharia Anon. Of course you liberals think that Islam is the only religion.


Display Name said...

"Eye for an eye" is called "qisas" by Muslims, and yes, they are part of that delightful Judeo-Christian-Islam historical trinity. Part and parcel, all related, just mutations over time.

Anonymous said...

Actually John you are conceptually incorrect. Since the concept of "eye for an Eye" has not been used in this conversation in a form where it was either "modified by" or "transmitted by" Islam, it is incorrect for the inclusion of Islam or Sharia as Anon posted and you blindly repeated.

The concept is clear and concise as most Americans understand it as learned through the inclusion of the Jewish Old Testament books in our Christian Bible. Since that is the source for the expected readers of this blog it is moronic to impune any other source in order to make a lazy liberal point.


Anonymous said...

David, Dad29's implication is clear. But keep trying to make your case using specious logic.