Thursday, January 21, 2010

More Common Than Pollsters Think: It's the SPENDING!

P-Mac found someone who, I suspect, is more prototype than not.

"I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican," Kieckhefer later told the crowd. "I'm a conservative, a fiscal conservative," and he, like a lot of others in the room, is spooked by the fact the federal government's skim off the economy grew by a fifth in one year, even before it takes over the half of health care it doesn't yet control.

"We have a fiduciary responsibility to our kids and grandkids," he said, to stop such unsustainable bloat.

Vignette: Belling booms Sykes (!!!!) as an alternative to Feingold--but Sykes has often said that he's 'not a Republican.' Sykes IS a conservative, however. (Would Priebus allow Sykes into the Party to run against Feingold?)

Federal debt is now only $1Trillion less than the country's GDP. At the rate we pay off Federal debt, it will take TWO HUNDRED NINETY THREE YEARS to bring the debt to zero.

I don't even want to think about paying off the Doylet/Thompson Wisconsin bonds.....

Read the rest of P-Mac's piece, wherein he finds other spend/debt-averse folk--even of the (D) persuasion.

Like in Massachusetts, hey.

MORE: (HT: FoxPolitics)

For those of us who don't paint our faces for either the red or blue teams, the tragicomedy of American politics is that each party looks pretty freaking awesome when compared to its counterpart. As bad as Bush was, Obama may well be worse. As rotten as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are, just remember Trent Lott and Dennis Hastert. Now reverse the party affiliations and repeat. In their hour of darkness, all the Dems need to recall is that they are running against Republicans. And vice versa. Independents–the only reliably growing voting bloc in an electorate long since fatigued by two-party politics–are swinging violently against Democrats after throwing the Republican bums out in 2008 and 2006.

Yup. And it will happen again, and again, and again.

Like in Massachusetts, hey.

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