Monday, November 09, 2009

The Walker Effect

Sykes just got the story from a couple of listeners...

When Walker came into the Palin event, the crowd went wild.

Too bad Capper can't get his facts straight, eh?

But then, he gets his 'facts' from another individual who supposedly was "there."

Gee. Relying on another's "fact" reports, Capper?


Amy said...

Clearly, this person was their and severely delusional, or lying.

I was sitting in the back row of the front section of seats, about in line with center stage. To my right was a camera set up, to my left, more seats, and behind me a walk way before another section of seating.

Neumann was working the crowd to my right. Had someone I was sitting with not pointed him out to me, I wouldn't have recognized him. A few minutes later, Scott Walker walked in, right behind where I was sitting, and the crowd GOT TO ITS FEET and CHEERED. A standing OVATION. Unless they did that for Neumann before I took my seat (and I was one of the first people in the hall), they didn't.

Standing ovation versus no standing ovation? Walker won.

As for the "her conception" comment, I'm sure it will surprise all those women's lib types to know a majority of aborted babies are female. Especially in nations where men are more prized than women (like China). What Palin says was 100% accurate; an unborn child is still a human being.

I have yet to hear a cognizant argument from a pro-abort who can explain to me how killing a child conceived in rape is actually of benefit to mother and child, and how it punishes the rapist more. Or how a child's genetic make up changes if it was conceived outside of careful planning.

It was a great event with an enthusiastic crowd. LOTS of young women; I sat next to two of them. A few teens and children, too.

Amy said...

And, correction, that should be "there", not "their"...

Anonymous said...

"I have yet to hear a cognizant argument from a pro-abort who can explain to me how killing a child conceived in rape is actually of benefit to mother and child, and how it punishes the rapist more."

Wow, you really are clueless, aren't you? The victim is raped twice. She is violated by the rapist and then is denied the opportunity to be relieved of her condition, if that is her wish. What part of this is so hard to understand. You strike me as a misogynist. No wonder you are a Catholic!

Dad29 said...

Sure, Anony.

Kill the child for the sin of the father! You must be Muslim...

Anonymous said...

Ah, another misygonist heard from. It has nothing to do with the father; it is all about the rape victim. She should have the option to decide whether or not to bear the child, lest she be victimized twice.

Wisconsin law now requires all hospitals to make the option of emergency contraception available to the victim. That should avoid the abortion question from arising.

Of course you and your ilk opposed that legislation as well, didn't you Daddy Zero?

God hope your daughter(s) are never in these dire straits.

Anonymous said...

Kill the child for the sin of the father! You must be Muslim...

Nice job, Dad29. That will cost you five Hail Marys!