Saturday, November 07, 2009

74%: Stop Work on ObamaCare

SanFranNan Pelosi could take some time off with her family on her our Gulfstream 5 if she'd pay attention to the polls.

This was the question asked by the CNN/Opinion Research pollsters:

As you may know, several health care bills have been passed by committees in the U.S. House and Senate and they can be brought before Congress for debate and a final vote at any time. Which of the following do you think Congress should do:

** Continue working on those bills this fall and make relatively minor changes before passing final legislation.
** Continue working on those bills this fall but pass final legislation only if major changes are made.
** Start work on entirely new bills that would not be ready until some time next year.
** Stop working on any bills that would change the country's health care system.

The results: 26 percent want the bills passed with relatively minor changes; 33 percent want the bills passed but only with major changes; 24 percent want Congress to start work on entirely new bills; and 15 percent want Congress to stop work altogether. Just one percent have no opinion

Got that? only one-fourth of those polled want ObamaCare as written so far.

But QueenNancy wants 51% of the House to pass it.

And Kagen, Baldwin, Obey, and Kind will follow her right off that cliff. Good.

1 comment:

Amy said...

And Kagen, Baldwin, Obey, and Kind will follow her right off that cliff. Good.


If it passes, it won't be repealed. Ever. It needs to die today and be buried under 20ft. of dirt and concrete, never to be resurrected again.