Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Clarity of Jos. Ratzinger

Found in an essay written by Fr. J. Schall, who quotes Tracey Rowland:

For Ratzinger, the whole point of Gaudium et Spes, correctly interpreted, is that a 'daring new' Christocentric theological anthropology is the medicine that the world needs, and that it is the responsibility of the Church to administer of it. He is critical of interpretations which would transform Christianity into what he provocatively calls a 'poorly managed haberdashery that is always trying to lure more customers'"

That is clear, no?

"Teen Mass", anyone?


Billiam said...

What's with the teen mass comment? Just curious. Any 'christianity' that ISN'T Christ centered, isn't Christianity. Afterall, that's why His name is first.. no?

Dad29 said...

trying to lure more customers

THAT'S what's about the 'teen Mass' comment.

You're right--Christianity comes in one flavor.

Larry Denninger said...

At some parishes I've attended, I'm surprised they didn't have a Sales and Marketing Dept listed in the bulletin.

Oh wait - they call it "The Worship Commission."

Scelata said...

"'poorly managed haberdashery that is always trying to lure more customers'"

This is a perfect line, in reference to Chironomo's efforts to impress upon other musicians at his parish what the music at Mass is NOT for....

(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Not when I take over as YM somewhere, gone with the normal teen Mass, and up with the Benedictine version.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

but you're right....