Friday, October 05, 2007

Re-Thinking Wedding Ceremonies

Some of you may think that the SOV2 blogsite is parody.


Here, "Fr Tim" explains the SOV2 Faith Community's wedding protocols, more or less.

A snip:

But the hegemonistic oppression of the wedding ceremony doesn't stop with the "giving away of the bride." There are more offensive customs involved:

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: This is an effort to force the Bride to be an earth-consumer. The "Old" thing represents adherence to dead traditions. The "New" thing represents conspicuous consumption. The Borrowed thing represents the theft of resources from the third world, thus mitigating the righteous indignation of the proletariat in the western industrial nations and subverting their desire to rise against their slave-lords. And the "Blue" thing is a slap in the face of all other valid colors.

Parody? Reality? You be the judge...

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