Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Porn: The Vice With Libertarian Consent

The Catholic Bishops of the US are beginning to speak out about pornography, which is a sort-of "approved" vice to the Libertarians and the Left. I say "sort-of" because (of course) those who 'approve' porn don't exactly scream their approval from the housetops--it's more a "silent consent" sort of thing.

Of course, such 'silent consent' has consequences.

This from Bp. Loverde of Arlington, VA.

“The industry preys on the most vulnerable: the poor, the abused and marginalized, and even children. ...Those who produce and distribute pornography leave a wide path of broken and devalued men and women in their wake.”

“More and more of these victims are younger, even children. When these, the most vulnerable and innocent of our society, become victims of the dehumanizing demands of an industry willing to destroy innocence for profit, it is an unspeakable act of violence.

“There cannot be a “temperate” use of pornography, just as there cannot be a “temperate” use of hatred or racism.

It's an area in which presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback also has an interest.

Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kan) organized the [2004] meeting, which revealed that internet pornography is destroying families and harming children.

University of Pennsylvania sexual trauma program co-director Mary Anne Layden said pornography addiction has similar effects on the brain as heroin or crack cocaine addiction.

At the time, SCOTUS was facilitating Internet delivery of porn to children.

Obviously, it's a Free Speech issue, right?


Anonymous said...

I read all of Bp. Loverde's letter, and think it should be read from every ambo and pulpit in America this Sunday. It's a topics that's so rarely addressed, if ever, , and yet would make most men, catholic and not, look at their shoes while hearing it.

Anonymous said...

If Bishop Loverde's choice of comparative sins, i.e. racism and hatred, are any indication, he already is being represented at virtually every ambo and pulpit in America. Which is the problem.

If you want get rid of those who prey on children and young girls, make white slavery a quickly executed capital offense on first conviction. And make the execution by burning at the stake in public square.

As to Libertarianism, it's unnatural since men are by nature created social and born into society. An unnaturalness with consequence. Libertarians gleen their own fields because they specifically are not their brother's keeper and where subsidiarity is anathema to them on principle.