Thursday, December 12, 2024

Paul Ryan's Beloved ObamaCare

Powerline discusses ObamaCare--which was a major factor in the murder of the United Healthcare CEO.

Recall that this is the ObamaCare that Paul Ryan refused to repeal.  Thanks, Paul!!

... Alyssia Finley at the Wall Street Journal [asks] the salient question: I thought Obamacare had fixed all these problems? We were promised that the comically-named “Affordable Care Act” would make health insurance cheaper for everyone—it’s right there in the name of the law, after all. What—you mean it didn’t? Who could have seen this coming?...

Powerline answers the question.  The answer is not flattering to Paulie-Girl:

... Any sentient human being, and probably some well-trained lab chimps, knew better. It is yet another vindication of the sociologist Peter Rossi’s “Iron Law of Evaluation,” which concludes: “The expected value of any net impact assessment of any large scale social program is zero.” Maybe less than zero in the case of Obamacare....

Thanks again, Paulie, you miserable little twit.

Following Medicare/Medicaid, health-care costs in the US have increased by 265%.  Two hundred sixty-five percent!

You will also recognize this play:  Congress forces others to do the dirty work so others can take the blame--or bullets, in the case at hand.  Also note the results of "Government workers' diligence":

,... the dirty secret of health policy since the failure of Hillarycare in 1994 is that the government demands that private health insurance systems do cost containment, so that they, and not the government, will take the heat. One of the superficial claims you hear from the left is that Medicare has something like a 1% administrative cost, while private insurance has something like a 25 to 30% administrative cost, the lesson being “See, government health care is cheaper!”

Now, assuming these widely-repeated figures are accurate (which I doubt), it is easy to have a low overhead if you are willing to have over $100 billion a year in fraud, as Medicare does. If private insurance tolerated this kind of fraud and extravagance, employer-based health insurance would be much more expensive than it is now....

Paulie-Girl Ryan owes the family of the United Healthcare CEO a groveling apology for Paulie-Girl's failure to lead--and his failure to do the Right Thing.  He wasn't the only one, of course; the entire Democrat Party, which installed this murderous abomination "Care" package should crawl over broken glass to render its apology, too.

We're not holding our breath--and we don't expect Trump to delete this abortion from the US Code.

Sad, ain'a?

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