Saturday, June 22, 2024

The FBI Manual Says......



Anonymous said...

and we know what happens to extremist in a totalitarian society like the one we live in now.....

The Life of St. Titus Brandsma - Carmelite Martyr for Truth

Anonymous said...

In China the Govt appoints Roman Catholic Bishops

In the west our illegal immigrant pushing, family hating, Globalist, Zionist Totalitarian death Vax pushing, deep staters say: hold my beer!
and wa la! and we get Jorge Bergolio......

Please read:

BCP: Bergoglio under the banner of Antichrist, Viganò under the banner of Christ

Anonymous said...

John Zmirak is pretty good. Did you see this?

Anarcho-Tyranny Comes to the Vatican: Scapegoating the ‘Deplorable’ Abp. Vigano

In just the same way that the tyrants in Washington are imprisoning peaceful protestors and opposition candidates, those in the Vatican are purging their critics.