Saturday, June 22, 2024

+Broglio's "Religious Freedom" Is Bee Ess

 The Archbishop is getting his 'religious legal advice' from the wrong source.

Government officials would be infringing on religious freedom if they were to restrict the Catholic Church’s work serving migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border, says a top U.S. bishop.

Archbishop Timothy Broglio, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, addressed the issue this week while in Louisville, Kentucky, for a USCCB meeting where migration issues, including the long wait for religious worker visas, came up repeatedly. He acknowledged recent targeting of faith-based border work by government officials, including the Texas attorney general’s attempts to shutdown a Catholic nonprofit that has operated a network of migrant shelters for decades.

“We obviously want to respect the law, but if that liberty is restricted, then yes, our religious liberty is being restricted because we can’t put into practice the precepts of the Gospel,” Broglio said during a news conference Thursday.

We're not impressed with +Broglio's assertion--at all.

First off, the agency in question is in a state of indirect proximate aiding and abetting of criminal activity--that is to say, illegal border-crossingThere is no "Gospel mandate" to further illegal activity, ExcellencyThe end NEVER justifies the means.

But that's hardly the end of the illegal activity.  Most illegals arrive here after having paid the cartel (criminal syndicates) thousands of dollars.  Those who did not pay in advance will "work it off", which will be adult prostitution, forced slave-labor, or child prostitution.  So, in fact, that "Catholic" charity is making the US safe for cartel-run criminal activity and offenses against children.

Don't tell me that "Catholic precepts" include that, Excellency.

Here's a question for you, Abp Broglio:  If the Gospel mandates that the Church cares for the poor (it does), then why isn't that "Catholic" agency and all its employees caring for the poor across the border in Mexico That's only a few hundred yards away, ya'know, and there are plenty of poverty-stricken people right there, at the border, waiting for those "Catholic" agency people.

Or won't your business partners--the cartels--let that "Catholic" agency do that?

Oh--you don't think the cartels are your partners?  Here's a bit of street wisdom for you:  if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, and walks like a duck, then it's a duck.

That's a Catholic belief, Excellency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is still Good going on.
Give thanks to the sacred heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary for the growth of traditional communities- greg

Nuns of the Roman Rite Expand to England
The Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles, who follow the Roman Rite, are expanding.

According to their Spring 2024 newsletter (8 May), the community will grow to more than 70 nuns this year.

The motherhouse is in Gower, Missouri. They are putting the finishing touches on a new convent in Ava, Missouri, and preparing to move into a recently vacated convent of the Poor Clare nuns in Evansville, Indiana. Some sisters from countries outside the USA are experiencing difficulties with the immigration department.

Now, together with Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham, they have also decided to move to St Mary's Abbey in Colwich, Staffordshire, north of Birmingham.

Colwich Abbey was founded by the great-great-granddaughter of St Thomas More, with nuns who were forced to leave England for France during the Elizabethan persecution, and had to flee back to England during the French Revolution.