Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fox6 Took It, Hook, Line, and SInker

"Newsman's skepticism" does not burden Fox6-Milwaukee staffers.

An upside-down American flag was displayed outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021, the New York Times reported. 

That part is true.

The flag is a symbol connected to former President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. 

That part is rated Mostly False.

...the upside down flag is usually a form of peaceful protest, since it generally implies the nation is under duress....

...Typically, this signal of distress was reserved for instances of extreme danger to life and property....

The NYT story says that the flag was upside-down due to the Fraud of '20.  The NYT was guessing, or its source was guessing.  

And--by the way--the US flag is hung upside-down outside a home on County Hy. SS in Pewaukee; under the US flag is a flag of the Ukraine.

Maybe Fox6 would like to speculate about the motives there, too??

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