Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Another Jesuit "College" Rebels Against the Faith

The College Fix newsletter calls Holy Cross College a "private" school.

It's even worse that that:  it's a Jesuit school.  And here's the "worse":

The president of a prestigious Massachusetts Catholic college championed his institution’s ‘values’ and LGBTQ policies against his diocese’s recently issued K-12 school guidelines.

“Recently, the Diocese of Worcester announced a new policy on gender, sexuality and sexual identity across its 21 schools,” President Vincent Rougeau of the College of the Holy Cross wrote in an email to the community shared with The College Fix.

“This policy does not apply to Holy Cross,” the president of the Worcester, Mass., private liberal arts college stated....

Why not?

... It “not only challenges our deeply held values, it targets specific identities and people in our community and surrounding county,” Rougeau continued....

The Bishop of Worcester has the authority to stop Holy Cross from using "Catholic" in its literature propaganda and on its website.

His Excellency should do that immediatelyLet's call a spade a spade for a change.

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