Looks like the CIA ran another coup, this one in Peru, and since the population of the country is very unhappy about it, there will be 700 Special Forces troops in Peru to guard--among other things--lithium mines.
...Despite the relative lack of media coverage in both Peru and the United
States, it has been confirmed that US military personnel will shortly be
arriving in Peru. The Plenary Session of Peru’s Congress on May 18
authorized the entry of US troops onto Peruvian territory with the
expressed intention of engaging in cooperation activities with Peru’s
armed forces and national police. Resolution 4766, which was passed with
70 votes for, 33 votes against, and four abstentions, allows the troops
to remain in the country any time between June 1 and December 31, 2023....
... The cooperation and training activities will span across various
territories including Lima, Callao, Loreto, and numerous others.
Notably, three regions in the south of Peru—Cusco, Ayacucho, and
Apurímac—along with Arequipa and Puno, were the focal points of major
political protests, strikes, and road blocks from December to February,
following the removal, imprisonment, and replacement of Peru’s elected
President Pedro Castillo by his Vice-President Dina Boluarte....
"Cooperation and training" efforts, you see.
The "Shining Path" (Chinese Communist) revolutionaries are no longer a force in Peru. They were taken out by President Fujimori, who was elected, but became something of a dictator to eradicate that bunch. He also revived the economy of the country, partially by privatizing mining.
But the government of that country is unstable, largely due to something very familiar to Americans in 'flyover country': nobody in the capital city (Lima) gives a flying fart about the ordinary farmer or working-class people. Oppose Government policies and speak up? You are called a "terrorist." Gee--that sounds familiar, too.
...The question of where Peru can possibly go from here doesn’t have a satisfying answer, experts told Vox, because there’s no real desire or mechanism on the part of the state to engage with the protesters other than through violence. And the protesters, despite their material and political demands, don’t have an overarching organization, an umbrella under which they can unite and pursue a dialogue with the government....
So to keep lithium flowing into the US, the CIA requested and got US troops.
But the larger problem, also vaguely familiar in the US--remains:
...“The core of this conflict is that democracy does not only need economic growth,” Toledo Orozco said. “It needs to come with parties that address the needs, the demands of the masses. Democracies that do not address issues of representation, do not include the needs of the poorest, end up paying the price.”...
We might add that 'governments which ignore Judaeo-Christian cultural norms' AND which operate largely on behalf of the interests of the residents of the national capital area are also at risk.
There. That should earn a visit from the FEEBS.